Course Overview
- Getting Caught Up
- The Assembler – Part 1
- Computer Exercise: The Assembler, Part 1
The Assembler – Part 2
- Assembler Parms
- Sources for Assembler Parms
- Installation defaults
- *PROCESS statements
- ASMAOPT data set
- PARM on EXEC statement
- Computer Exercise: Assembler Parms
Changes to the Instruction Set – Part 1
- Multiply Single (MSR, MS Instructions)
- Halfword Instructions: AH, CH, LH, MH, SH, STH (old stuff)
- Halfword Immediate Instructions: AHI, CHI, LHI, MHI (new stuff)
- RI Instruction Format
- Halfword Immediate Test Instructions (TMH, TML)
- ‘C’ Assist Instructions (CLST, CUSE, MVST, SRST)
- Interruptible Instructions
- CLCLE, MVCLE Instructions
- TRE Instruction (TRanslate Extended)
Relative Branching
- Relative Branching Instructions
- BRAS, BRC, BRCT Instructions
- BRXH, BRXLE Instructions
- Applications of Relative Branching Instructions
- Extended Mnemonics
- Computer Exercise: Using the Relative Branching Instructions
New USING Features
- Domain and Range of USINGs
- Labeled USINGs
- Dependent USINGs
- Labeled Dependent USINGs
- USING Range Limits
- Computer Exercise: Labeled USINGs
Introduction to Unicode
- Characters
- Characters, Glyphs, and Fonts
- Coding Schemes
- Codepages
- Standards
- Unicode
Unicode Support in Assembler
- Hardware Instructions
- Assembler support
Other Enhancements
- Hardware – Floating Point Changes
- Assembler Enhancements
- New data types
- New object code facilities
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